Taking the Wind out of the Opposition
Throughout the world, citizens increasingly want clean energy to meet both local and national needs. Yet the prospect of a large wind farm within one’s local community can raise a range of potential siting concerns. Ogin offers a revolutionary approach to harnessing wind energy that captures utility-scale turbine economics in smaller-scale projects with a low-profile, compact and quiet design. The result: the most common siting obstacles are reduced or eliminated. There’s more reason than ever to embrace clean, local energy to power your community’s future.
With a total height barely one-third of modern utility turbines and far below the FAA’s 200’ threshold for marker lights, the Ogin Turbine protects treasured views of the nighttime sky. Ogin Turbines offer a community-friendly way to meet local energy needs with:
- Favorable economics
- Lower electricity costs
- A hedge against rising future fossil fuel prices
- Lower construction impacts
- No need for major road works
- Connects to existing grids without major upgrades
- Shorter hub height and total height reduce visual impact
- Lower height and shroud virtually eliminate shadow flicker
- Quiet operation without gearboxes
- Lower siting and operating impacts